8 good reasons to be at Filo:
Filo is the only international trade show focusing on products of excellence; a business platform where are on show high quality collections of yarns and fibres, produced by environmentally-friendly processes, and in accordance with ethical values.
Yarns and fibers – both for orthogonal and circular weaving – play the starring role in Filo, to be used in clothing and home furnishing productions. Filo is the only international b2b exhibition focused on products of excellence.
Become an Exhibitor:
Concreteness, professionalism, quality and efficiency are the four guidelines of the exhibition. Filo is a business platform where professionals from all over the world meet selected Italian and international companies.
Filo is the only international b2b trade show dedicated to yarns and fibers for woven and knitted fabrics for apparel, furnishing and technical fabrics. Filo starts in 1993, launched by a small group of committed entrepreneurs from the Biella district, worldwide famous for its textile industry. From the beginning Filo fashioned a clearly recognisable identity. Each of its features is strategically aimed to highlight the excellence of yarns and products from the most innovative Italian and worldwide companies.