Square Textiles Plc, Bangladesh | CSE: SQUARETEXT | DSE: SQUARETEXT


Square Textiles Plc, from Bangladesh is listed in Bangladesh, Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) and Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE).

Current price as on November 18, 2024:-
Bangladesh: DSE: BDT56.20

In 1997 Square Textiles Plc. entered into textile business, at the moment they have three businesses i.e. Square Textiles Plc., Square Denims and Square Fashion Ltd., their business line is manufacturing and marketing of 100% export oriented Viscose, Tencel, Modal and Cotton (natural and artificial) yarns, they have most sophisticated vertically integrated set-ups producing around 100 tons of yarns every day. Square Textiles Plc, is a part of Square Group, having diverse business capacity in Healthcare, Food & Beverage, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Textiles, Media, IT and more.

Square Textiles Plc., annual report 2022-23 indicates 4.20% down of Export Sales as compare to 2021-22, Net Profit down 40.68%, Assets 17% up. As per the recent news, the company’s profit rose in the July-September quarter due to the increased yarn production in their new factory in Habiganj, their profit after tax stood at BDT33.44 crore during the first quarter of its FY 2024-25, over 5% Y-o-Y growth. On 23rd October, the company declared 32% cash dividend to their shareholders for the fiscal year 2023-24.

Disclaimer: This is just an opinion and not the prediction, hence do not risk any financials based on this content, we do not take any guarantee or responsibility.

Bhargav Pathak
Bhargav Pathakhttps://textilesresources.com
With a passion for the textile, apparel, and fashion industry, I embarked on a journey fueled by education from NIFT Gandhinagar and affiliation with NDBI at NID Ahmedabad. Since 2006, I've contributed to various corporate ventures, specializing in B2B, B2C, SaaS, and AI products within the textile domain. In July 2023, I launched TextilesResources.com, a knowledge hub offering the latest news, articles, and soon-to-come features like interviews and a trade fair calendar. Grateful for the growing community, we've recently introduced a Business Directory for enhanced visibility. Join us on LinkedIn and stay connected with the ever-evolving textile landscape!

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