Lenzing AG, from Austria is listed in Vienna Stock Exchange (VIE) as LNZ
Current price as on November 18, 2024:-
Austria: VIE: LNZ: Euro30.50

Incorporated in 1938, Austria based Lenzing AG is active in the chemical industry, manufactures cellulose fibers and offers special plastic products. The Fibers segment is responsible for manufacturing and marketing man-made cellulose fibers, and includes the business units Textile Fibers, Nonwoven Fibers, Pulp and Energy. Brands of Lenzing Group are TENCEL, VEOCEL, LENZING ECOVERO and LENZING. Company produces wood-based viscose fibers, modal fibers, lyocell fibers and filament yarn, these are used in clothing, home textiles and technical textiles as well as nonwovens industry. Revenue of the company is Euro 2521.20MN and Quarterly Revenue Growth (y-o-y)is 5.20%, this growth primarily reflects higher revenue from fibers (+10.9 percent).
Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group, Rohit Aggarwal stated that the company is continuing its recovery course. Since the end of 2022, the Lenzing Group has been implementing measures to reduce costs and, building on this, has developed a comprehensive performance program with the overriding objective of significantly enhanced long-term resilience to crises and greater agility in the face of market changes.
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