Coming to Cinte Techtextil China 2023: New device to optimize quality and digitize haptic analysis of textiles


Ushering in a new era of product optimization and quality control, the redesigned TSA Tactile Sensation Analyzer from emtec Electronic will be onsite at the Cinte Techtextil trade fair. From September 19-21, 2023, partnering companies Shanghai Forest & Paper Scientific Instrument Co., and Roachelab Asia Co., Ltd. will demonstrate the device at Booth Number E1-A16 in the Shanghai New International Expo Center.

Leipzig, Germany, 08.09.2023 – emtec Electronic, a leading manufacturer of specialized measur-ing and testing equipment, is poised to redefine the landscape of textile haptic evaluation. Dur-ing the international event, which is expected to draw in tens of thousands of visitors, emtec partners Shanghai Forest and Roachelab will present the redesigned TSA Tactile Sensation Ana-lyzer, an innovation that aims to revolutionize haptic testing and virtual sample management.

The recently launched TSA Tactile Sensation Analyzer transcends the limits of traditional hand-testing methods by swiftly providing objectively measured data on the subjective haptic and thermo-haptic properties for various materials. Out of the various comfort parameters softness, smoothness, flexibility, and deformation/recovery, it calculates precise hand-feel values based on proprietary algorithms that are specifically adapted to the target market. In addition to evaluating standard haptic traits, the enhanced TSA introduces several key advancements, in-cluding:
• Thermo-haptic measurements, including thermal insulation
• Advanced evaluation of springback behavior
• High-resolution optical analysis

All measured data are easily accessible, searchable and reproducible through a new digital da-tabase, the Virtual Haptic Library. Developed in collaboration with Black Swan Textiles, this online database digitizes and categorizes sample data based on specific haptic and optical traits. It is accessible in real-time from anywhere in the world, allowing authorized personnel to perform quality control with unprecedented efficiency.

Alexander Gruener elaborates on the Virtual Haptic Library’s impact: “With the cloud solution, we aim to give textile professionals an online marketplace to quickly find, compare and repli-cate textiles with specific haptic qualities. A unified, digital platform ultimately saves signifi-cantly on time and resources in this regard.”
The TSA Tactile Sensation Analyzer is slated for availability in 2024.

Bhargav Pathak
Bhargav Pathak
With a passion for the textile, apparel, and fashion industry, I embarked on a journey fueled by education from NIFT Gandhinagar and affiliation with NDBI at NID Ahmedabad. Since 2006, I've contributed to various corporate ventures, specializing in B2B, B2C, SaaS, and AI products within the textile domain. In July 2023, I launched, a knowledge hub offering the latest news, articles, and soon-to-come features like interviews and a trade fair calendar. Grateful for the growing community, we've recently introduced a Business Directory for enhanced visibility. Join us on LinkedIn and stay connected with the ever-evolving textile landscape!

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